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Here's a list of my favourite climate and energy communicators.

Check them out; each one is unique and talented in helping to inform, educate and engage.

If you know of others - get in touch!

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Nicole Kelner

Nicole is a climate communicator, and uses watercolors to create art that everyone can engage with.


She has lots of pieces that communicate complex, systematic challenges in climate in a beautiful and accessible way. Her goal is to use art to inspire climate action, and her work is well worth a look. 


Visit her site for prints, merch, books and more.

Dr Simon Evans
(Carbon Brief)

If analysis and numbers are more your thing, this is your guy.


Award-winning journalist and editor Dr Simon Evans is incredibly skilled at getting behind the data, and visually communicating it in a way that immediately tells a story through easy to understand graphs, charts and comparisons.


He's on top of his brief ('scuse the pun), fact-checking stories and holding organisations to account and always quick to turn around analysis based on new announcements and reports worldwide. 

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MODO Energy

The Modo gang have got it right in explaining different parts of the industry in a simple and easy to understand way.


CEO Quentin ‘Q’ Draper-Scrimshire hosts podcasts with industry experts which cover a massive range of topics from floating offshore wind to bitcoin and energy, their explainers are short and easy to read and their Energy Academy with Neil Weaver is full of really informative videos; a must-watch for anyone wanting to learn more about the energy system.

The Electric Viking

Check out the Electric Viking's YouTube for short updates on exciting energy news from around the world. Most of his videos are about Electric Vehicles, but he also covers news about wind and solar energy, and other technologies like CCUS.

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